Stream new release The Weasels’ Tale and support Enzian!
Here’s how this works:
For $11.99, the service provider will grant you access to the film, which is viewable on any internet-connected device including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. If you have the appropriate technology (Chromecast, Amazon Firestick, AirPlay, Apple TV, Smart TV, etc), you may be able to stream this to your television at home from your computer or phone.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, you can visit the FAQ Page here.
For every purchase of The Weasels’ Tale from Friday, December 11th through Thursday, December 24th, nearly 50% goes directly back to Enzian in an effort to support us. We appreciate your support!
Argentina | Spain, 2019, 129 minutes, Not Rated, Directed by Juan José Campanella
“A slickly calibrated, classically structured dark comedy that again highlights Juan Jose Campanella's skill at pressing his viewers' buttons across a range of genres.”
—Jonathan Holland, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER -
“A wonderful dark comedy held together by its cast.”
—Mikel Zorrilla, ESPINOF -
“A fun thriller with dialogue that bites.”
—Mabel Salinas, CINE PREMIERE -
“Absolutely delectable.”
—William Venegas, LA NACION -
“Incredibly enjoyable, always surprising… a film that is, at heart, the classic Hollywood tale of greed, foolishness, and loyalty.”
—Neely Swanson, EASY READER NEWS