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Contact Enzian

Box Office is open 3:00 PM – 9:30 PM Monday – Thursday, and 12:00 PM – 9:30 PM Friday – Sunday
Info Line: (407) 629-0054 | Theater Offices: (407) 629-1088
To email the Box Office, click here.
1300 South Orlando Avenue | Maitland, FL 32751


Meet Our Staff

Enzian does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, disability, age, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, or religion in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all staff, patrons, volunteers, and vendors.

Matthew Curtis: Programming Director

Sean Woods Headshot

Sean Woods

Director of Operations

  • Where Are You From or Where Did you Grow Up? Maitland
  • Favorite Movie(s) or Movie Genre: The Big Lebowski
  • If a Movie Title Could Describe Your Life, it Would be…: Rebel without a cause
  • What Movie Could you Watch over and over?: Field of Dreams
  • Favorite Drink to Sip On at Eden Bar: Hurricane Charley
  • Favorite Enzian/Eden Bar Food: Eden Burger
  • Favorite Place You’ve Ever Traveled to: Schiermonnikoog
  • If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone (Dead or Alive), Who Would it be and Why?: Anthony Bordain. I read the book Kitchen Confidential while attending culinary school. I have never gravitated to an author or book so much in my life. I then read everything he had written and awaited the release of No Reservations, the TV show. I hung on every episode. I didn’t know anyone felt as passionate about food and travel as I did until I was introduced to Tony.
  • My Guilty Pleasure Is…: Mario Kart on Wii…. Don’t judge!
  • Never Have I Ever…: Seen Godfather
  • Top 3 Things on Your Bucket List: Salmon fishing in Alaska, drive a monster truck over a big jump, send my kids to college.
  • Have Any Pets?: Sage, an English setter. (My wife’s COVID shutdown dog). Tabby Binks, a Tabby.
  • Are You More of a Cat or Dog Person?: Dog person, for sure!
  • What are Some of Your Hobbies?: I really enjoy fishing. If I’m not working you can probably find me at a body of water with a line in the water.
Peter DiPietro Headshot

Peter DiPietro

Technical Director

  • Where Are You From or Where Did you Grow Up? Philadelphia suburbs, PA
  • Favorite Movie(s) or Movie Genre: I love the Step Up movies
  • What Movie Could you Watch over and over?: Sixteen Candles
  • Favorite Enzian Series: Cult Classics
  • Favorite Type of Music or Musician(s): Pop
  • Favorite TV Show(s): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
  • Best Concert You’ve Ever Been to: Lollapalooza 1992 and Prince 2003
  • Favorite Place You’ve Ever Traveled to: Cruise to Bermuda
  • Where Would You Like to Travel to?: Europe and South America
  • My Guilty Pleasure Is… Ke$ha (I know, but I prefer the dollar sign era)
  • Have Any Pets?: Just Beowulf, the Enzian resident cat
  • Are You More of a Cat or Dog Person?: Cat person
  • What are Some of Your Hobbies?: Crossword puzzles and the Wordle, pinball, bicycling
  • What’s Your Favorite Part About Working at Enzian? Just being a part of such an iconic Orlando institution 
Ariana MacKnight Headshot

Ariana MacKnight

Events Coordinator

Where Are You From or Where Did you Grow Up?  Long Island, NY
Favorite Movie(s) or Movie Genre: Being John Malkovich, Funny Games, Lars and the Real Girl, or any Jacques Demy film
What Movie Could you Watch over and over?: Pride and Prejudice 
Favorite Drink to Sip On at Eden Bar: Either a French 75 or a Tom Collins
Favorite Enzian/Eden Bar Food: The Cuban sandwich or I sub chips for fries for the nachos
Favorite Place You’ve Ever Traveled to: Scotland forever!
If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone (Dead or Alive), Who Would it be and Why?: Anthony Bourdain. He taught me how to be curious about the world around me and to never stick my nose up to anything. I grew up watching his travel shows and I think I accidentally modeled my entire personality after his.
My Guilty Pleasure Is…: Watching Hell’s Kitchen on a loop all day
Never Have I Ever…: Eaten an oyster! 2024 is the year of trying an oyster!
Top 3 Things on Your Bucket List: Have a puppet made after me, win an Oscar, figure out how to be young forever
Have Any Pets?: 2 cats (jughead and merida), 2 dogs (coco and max), and about a million fish (names to be determined)
Are You More of a Cat or Dog Person?: I’m an equal opportunity animal lover
What are Some of Your Hobbies?: Building legos, sewing, and doing improv!
Tim Anderson Headshot

Tim Anderson

Programming Coordinator

  • Favorite Quote or Personal Motto:  “I will not make any more boring art” – John Baldessari
  • My favorite movie is Casablanca. but I love Silent, Foreign, Horror, and Experimental Films
  • If a movie title could describe my life, it would be: “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” (take that however you want)
  • If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be Andy Warhol – he’s the person most singularly responsible for my career trajectory
  • My Guilty Pleasure is coming-of-age movies (Now and Then, Can’t Hardly Wait, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Empire Records)
  • Pets: I have 4 cats, two of which might secretly hate me.
  • Other Fun Fact(s): I was a regular “featured extra” on the New Mickey Mouse Club and hit Britney Spears in the head (accidentally) during a scene where I had to drag her out of a restaurant.
Jo Gilley (They/Them) Headshot

Jo Gilley (They/Them)

Box Manager & Development Coordinator

  • Where Are You From or Where Did you Grow Up? California
  • Favorite Movie(s) or Movie Genre: Wings of Desire / Suspiria 1977
  • What Movie Could you Watch over and over?: Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist
  • Favorite Drink to Sip On at Eden Bar: Ginger ale
  • Favorite Place You’ve Ever Traveled to: Joshua Tree, Cali
  • If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone (Dead or Alive), Who Would it be and Why?: Francis Bacon, He’s my favorite artist and to be able to pick his brain a bit would be so dreamy.
  • Top 3 Things on Your Bucket List: Goto Norway, Become a film restorer, Drink enough coffee to become a walking vibrational frequency
  • Have Any Pets?: Two cats
  • Are You More of a Cat or Dog Person?: C A T
  • What are Some of Your Hobbies?: Painting, sleeping

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