The Matrix - Enzian Theater

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The Matrix

25th Anniversary – 35mm Screening!

Neo (Keanu Reeves) believes that Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), an elusive figure considered to be the most dangerous man alive, can answer his question — What is the Matrix? Neo is contacted by Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), a beautiful stranger who leads him into an underworld where he meets Morpheus. They fight a brutal battle for their lives against a cadre of viciously intelligent secret agents. It is a truth that could cost Neo something more precious than his life.

1999, 136 Minutes, Rated R, Directed by Lilly Wachowski and Lana Wachowski

  • "The Matrix slams you back in your chair, pops open your eyes and leaves your jaw hanging slack in amazement."

  • "Bill Pope's swooping, noir-inflected cinematography is wonderfully complemented by Owen Paterson's inventive production design, a great soundtrack and the best fight choreography this side of Hong Kong."

    - Manohla Dargis, L.A. WEEKLY
  • "The Wachowski Brothers have created some of the most unrivaled and imaginative sci-fi in years."

    - Christopher Brandon, TNT ROUGH CUT
  • "A wildly cinematic futuristic thriller that is determined to overpower the imagination, The Matrix combines traditional science-fiction premises with spanking new visual technology in a way that almost defies description."

    - Kenneth Turan, LOS ANGELES TIMES
  • "This wildly imaginative thriller is a futuristic head trip you most definitely want to take."

    - Cody Clark, MR. SHOWBIZ
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