Meet the Filmmaker
Red Earth
Red Earth imagines a world in the late Anthropocene, where large parts of Earth have become inhospitable to life. The story follows three generations of Martians, from the first colonists to the first expedition to return to an Earth decimated by interplanetary war.
Preceded by:
Three narrators converge in the deserts of New Mexico, each with a separate story to tell. One narrator is J. Robert Oppenheimer, another is a visitor from outer space, and the other is me. Our stories converge across the span of time and space into a single stream of consciousness. Diatribe is the 2nd film in the Anthropocene Cycle.
2020, 12 minutes, USA, Directed by Georg Koszulinski, Unrated
Join us after the screening for an in-person Q&A with filmmaker Georg Koszulinski
Georg Koszulinski’s work spans a wide range of forms and styles, from feature-length fiction films and documentaries, to experimental and personal essay films. Georg’s recent work engages issues of the Anthropocene and merges his interests in fiction & non-fiction storytelling. His Anthropocene Cycle films engage the climate crisis in its deep time/historical contexts while also imagining future worlds based on present trajectories. His award-winning works have been presented at hundreds of film festivals, museums, and microcinemas around the world. His feature documentaries, White Ravens: A Legacy of Resistance and America is Waiting are available through Docurama. Many of his works are also available through Amazon Prime, the Documentary Channel, Fandor, GuideDoc, Proquest, and the Journal of Short Film.
“Red Earth tackles humanity’s resilience and folly using a tried-and-true method of science fiction storytelling that poses these questions through the lens of planetary annihilation, leaving us to pick up the pieces and decide for ourselves what the answers are.”
“Koszulinski's epic allegory [Red Earth] parlays astonishing cinematography, future "testimonials," and resonant tropes from sci-fi and speculative fiction, to set spinning—both centrifugally and centripetally—a Spiral Galaxy of propositions about livable worlds and so-called homo sapiens.”
- Craig Baldwin, OTHER CINEMA -
“Discordant, psychedelic, and deeply surreal, Georg Koszulinski’s New Mexico Deathwish Diatribe achieves a distinction of giving you the impression you’re on acid without actually having to imbibe it.”
- Benjamin Franz, FILM THREAT