Perhaps the most influential cycle of films in cinema history, the Universal Classic Monsters of the ‘30s, ‘40s, and early ‘50s have proven to be immortal—dreamlike, macabre, horrific, atmospheric, haunting, and among the most wonderfully crafted films of all time. Spawning hundreds of knock-offs, sequels, models, comic books, magazines, books, toys, t-shirts, lunch boxes and more, these iconic film masterpieces have had a profound effect on the art and culture of multiple generations of movie fans. Based on the works of famed authors such as Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells and Gaston Leroux—and featuring the filmmaking talents of celebrated directors such as Tod Browning, James Whale, and Jack Arnold, along with legendary actors like Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Claude Rains, Elsa Lanchester, and Lon Chaney, Jr.—these 8 classics are where it all started for genre lovers (and you know who you are!) For the first time in Enzian’s history, all of them can be seen in the same week. Amazing!
Boris Karloff stars in Frankenstein, as the screen’s most memorable monster, in what many consider to be the greatest horror film ever made. Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive) dares to tamper with life and death by creating a human monster (Karloff) out of lifeless body parts. Director James Whale’s adaptation of the Mary Shelley novel blends with Karloff’s compassionate portrayal of a creature groping for identity, making Frankenstein a landmark of the genre.
USA, 1931, 70 minutes, Not Rated, Directed by James Whale