A Fantastic Woman
Academy Award Winner! Best Foreign Language Film
Marina and Orlando are in love and planning for the future. Marina is a young waitress and aspiring singer. Orlando is 20 years older than her, and owns a printing company. After celebrating Marina’s birthday one evening, Orlando falls seriously ill. Marina rushes him to the emergency room, but he passes away just after arriving at the hospital. Instead of being able to mourn her lover, suddenly Marina is treated with suspicion. The doctors and Orlando’s family don’t trust her. A woman detective investigates Marina to see if she was involved in his death. Orlando’s ex-wife forbids her from attending the funeral. And to make matters worse, Orlando’s son threatens to throw Marina out of the flat she shared with Orlando. Marina is a trans woman and for most of Orlando’s family, her sexual identity is an aberration, a perversion. So Marina struggles for the right to be herself. She battles the very same forces that she has spent a lifetime fighting just to become the woman she is now – a complex, strong, forthright and fantastic woman.
Chile | Germany | Spain | USA, 2017, 104 minutes, Rated R, In Spanish with English Subtitles, Directed by Sebastián Lelio
“Vega gives a stunning, at times emotionally raw performance in A Fantastic Woman, and Lelio tells the story with an uncommon amount of compassion.”
– Sherilyn Connelly, SF WEEKLY -
“At its core, A Fantastic Woman is the story of genuine love, something requires no definition.”
– Peter Howell, TORONTO STAR -
“With Vega in the lead, her arresting screen charisma lends itself to some truly lovely and wonderful bits of fire and magic.”
“This indelibly moving film - Chile's entry in the Oscar race for Best Foreign film - features a performance of surpassing beauty and tenderness from Daniela Vega, an openly transgender actress seizing her moment with stirring authenticity.”
– Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE -
“It's heartbreaking, illuminating, and yes, fantastic, just to watch her live.”
“The title of Sebastián Lelio's new film might seem a bit on the nose. It's a fantastic movie. Daniela Vega, the star, is fantastic in it. Quote me in the ads, with exclamation points if you must. My work here is done.”