Special Program
Troll 2
Come out for a special screening of one of the best worst movies ever made, then after the film join us in the Enzian parking lot for our first ever “Goblin Market!”
Trolls live in the woods around Nilbog and feed on the town’s population. By transforming themselves into people, the trolls are able to come into town and pick their menu. This summer, their prey is the Waits Family, who have arrived to spend their vacation in the countryside. But before the trolls can eat them, they must first be turned into vegetables. Yes. You heard that right.
Goblin Market is Orlando’s first and only discount art market! Join us from 1pm-6pm in the Enzian parking lot for misprint and dead stock art and vintage in bargain bins and mystery bags along with the best food Orlando’s Goblins have to offer.
1991, 95 minutes, Canada, Directed by Caludio Fragasso, Rated PG-13
“There are movies that are bad. There are movies that are so-bad-they're-good. And then there's Troll 2 -- a movie that's so bad that it defies comprehension.
“No description of it can quite contain its misguided ludicrousness or the way its infinite and varied sins against the traits of good cinema combine to produce one of the most uproarious unintentional comedies ever made.”
– James Kendrick, Q NETWORK FILM DESK