The Shape of Water
13 Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress!
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An other-worldly fairy tale, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962. In the hidden high-security government laboratory where she works, lonely Elisa (Sally Hawkins) is trapped in a life of isolation. Elisa’s life is changed forever when she and co-worker Zelda (Octavia Spencer) discover a secret classified experiment — a mysterious, scaled creature from South America that lives in a water tank. As Elisa develops a unique bond with her new friend, she soon learns that its fate and very survival lies in the hands of a hostile government agent (Michael Shannon) and a marine biologist (Michael Stuhlbarg).
USA, 2017, 119 minutes, Rated R, Directed by Guillermo del Toro
“Weird and wonderful. It’s also poignant, tender, funny, romantic, and flat-out breathtaking. A haunting sci-fi love story like nothing you’ve ever seen before…it’s pure movie magic. Grade: A”
“A gem…a timeless love story. Del Toro works visual miracles…Hawkins is unforgettable.”
– Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE -
“One of [del Toro's] deepest, most complex, most rewarding, and flat-out beautiful films.”
– Brian Tallerico, ROGEREBERT.COM -
“A dark-edged fairy tale as lovingly steeped in vintage movie magic as it is in hypnotic water imagery, this captivating creature feature marries a portrait of morally corrupt early-1960s America with an outsider tale of love and friendship molded by a master storyteller.”
“’The Shape of Water’ casts a spell over its audience from its opening moments and holds you in its thrall long after the credits have rolled.”
– Marlow Stern, THE DAILY BEAST