Saturday Matinee Classic
The Dirty Dozen
Jim Brown Tribute Film!
As D-Day approaches, Colonel Breed hands the roguish Major Reisman (Lee Marvin) an important assignment: He must train a team of soldiers to parachute across enemy lines and assassinate German personnel at a French chateau. The soldiers, recruited from murderers, rapists and criminals on death row, are promised commuted sentences. In spite of their history, the 12 men prove a spirited and courageous unit. Led by Major Reisman, they will exact revenge.
1967, 149 minutes, USA, Directed by Robert Aldrich
"Director Aldrich manages to zero in on the griping and grime, the chaos and cohesiveness of Americans at war, and in so doing, makes The Dirty Dozen a clean hit that packs the highest-echelon example of wit and wallop."
- Clifford Terry, CHICAGO TRIBUNE -
"An abundance of hilarious humor, injected by Mr. Aldrich, the star, Lee Marvin and the cast, is a blessed relief from the strain of gory details and grim aspects of war, fought by a mere handful of American on foreign soil."
"The Dirty Dozen is every bit that an epic war thriller with an all-star cast should be."
- Danielle Solzman, SOLZY AT THE MOVIES