Screening as part of the 26th Annual Central Florida Jewish Film Festival!
Gad Elmaleh (one of France’s best-loved comedians) takes a journey of spiritual discovery in this poignant, warmly humorous self-portrait. Fusing fictional and autobiographical elements, Elmaleh directs and stars — alongside his Jewish-Moroccan family — in this religious “coming out.” Harboring a crisis of faith, the actor-comedian returns home to Paris after some years in America. When his bewildered parents (Elmaleh’s actual mother and father, portraying themselves) discover a figurine of the Virgin Mary in his suitcase, he is forced to admit his secret — and for them, it’s a nightmare! Determined to bring Gad back to reason and to his Jewishness, they turn his conversion into a battlefield–as Gad tries to make them understand that his sincere beliefs do not change his identity and the love he has for his family.
2023, 93 minutes, France, In French with English subtitles, Directed by Gad Elmaleh, Not Rated
Preceded by JUDY-ISM
Southeast Premiere!
A slice of apple cake at a tasting for her upcoming wedding catapults Judy (writer/producer Emily Nash), a self-proclaimed “Jew-ish” woman, back in time to her life as a 13-year-old preparing for her dreaded bat mitzvah.
2023, 11 Minutes, USA, Directed by Emily Lerer
Purchase a Series or Mensch Pass to receive admission to all 5 Central Florida Jewish Film Festival films, plus priority seating!
Mensch Pass $118 (limited quantity): Includes first priority seating to all 5 films and a donation to Shalom Orlando
Series Pass $65 (limited quantity): Includes discounted admission to all 5 films and second priority seating
Please note, there are no Enzian Film Society Member discounts or table reservations for Central Florida Jewish Film Festival films.
“Heartfelt, witty and provocative…an engrossing, lighthearted spiritual journey."