Cult Classics
Richard Roundtree Tribute Film!
John Shaft (Richard Roundtree) is the ultimate in suave black detectives. He first finds himself up against Bumpy (Moses Gunn), the leader of the black crime mob, then against black nationals, and finally working with both against the white mafia who are trying to blackmail Bumpy by kidnapping his daughter.
1971, 100 Minutes, USA, Directed by Gordon Parks, Rated R
"Nearly every frame of Shaft is intent on doing one thing: establishing its hero – private detective John Shaft – as a powerful, independent, innately good yet still devilish man in complete control of his own destiny."
- Josh Larsen, LASERONFILM -
"A hard-hitting action thriller."
"Directed by Gordon Parks with a subtle feel for both the grit and the humanity of the script. Excellent cast, headed by newcomer Richard Roundtree, may shock some audiences with heavy dose of candid dialog and situation."
- A.D. Murphy, VARIETY -
"A hip, cool, entertaining thriller."