Freaky Fridays
Scream, Blacula, Scream
50th Anniversary Screening!
“The name is Blacula!”
When the Mama Loa of a voodoo cult dies, there is an argument over who will succeed her. When the popular vote is for Lisa Fortier [Pam Grier, Foxy Brown, Coffy], cult member Willis [Richard Lawson, Sugar Hill, Poltergeist] vows revenge. In a misguided attempt to gain power over his enemies, he acquires the bones of Prince Mamuwalde, aka “Blacula” [William Marshall], and resurrects the vampire. Willis soon finds the vampire too powerful to control, and Lisa agrees to perform a spell that will break the curse placed on the prince. But, when racist sheriff Dunlop [Michael Conrad, TVs Hill Street Blues] gets involved, the vampire unleashes his deadly revenge.
1973, 96 minutes, USA, Directed by Bob Kelljan, Rated PG
“[William] Marshall’s Mamuwalde is as timeless as Lugosi, Lee, or Stoker himself.”
– Scott Drebit, DAILY DEAD -
“I am pleased to report that 'Scream, Blacula, Scream'—a sequel—is better than the original.”
– Gene Siskel, CHICAGO TRIBUNE -
“Far superior to the original, possessing much-assured style as well as considerable humor.”
– Kevin Thomas, LOS ANGELES TIMES -
“Blacula, the badass bloodsucker is BACK”
– Matt Winfield, LETTERBOXD