Hundreds of Beavers - Enzian Theater

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Hundreds of Beavers

A slapstick epic about a frostbitten battle between JEAN KAYAK and DIABOLICAL BEAVERS–hundreds of them–who stand between him and survival.

2024, 108 Minutes, USA, Directed by Mike Cheslik

  • "A marvel of slapstick invention that in terms of pure unbridled creativity puts most big-screen comedies to shame."

    - Nick Schager, THE DAILY BEAST
  • "You’d do well to satisfy your craving for knockabout lunacy by checking out “Hundreds of Beavers,” as visionary as any indie in many a moon, and a dam site (ahem) more fun."

    - Robert Abele, LOS ANGELES TIMES
  • "Hundreds of Beavers works because everyone involved knows to deliver the whimsy with a straight face, treating knitted fish, puppet frogs, and the Wisconsin snowdrifts in which it was filmed all as equally real."

    - Richard Whittaker, AUSTIN CHRONICLE
  • "Hundreds of Beavers is one of the most endearingly original comedies to come down the pipe in some time– and, in its own way, one of the most ambitious."

    - Oscar Goff, BOSTON HASSLE
  • "A multimedia extravaganza of frozen idiocy, Hundreds of Beavers is a slapstick tour de force."

    - Jacob Oller, PASTE MAGAZINE
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