35mm Screening!
Young adult Harold Chasen (Bud Court), solitary and friendless by choice, is obsessed with death, this fascination manifesting itself in the staging his own fake suicides, driving a hearse and attending funerals, even of people he doesn’t know, all to the chagrin of his exasperated wealthy mother with whom he lives. Mrs. Chasen is determined for Harold to be “normal”, including her sending him into therapy to deal with his issues and finding him a girlfriend through a computer dating service. It is at a series of funerals that Harold meets Maude (Academy Award®-winner, Ruth Gordon), on the cusp of her eightieth birthday, she who too attends funerals of strangers. Unlike Harold, Maude is obsessed with life – her own life to be more precise – she does whatever she wants to please herself, damned what others may think or how they may be affected. Since she can’t take material possessions with her, she is more interested in experiences, with whatever material possessions she has – often “borrowed” without asking – only to further those experiences. Their friendship is initially based on how the other can further their own priority. But as Maude shows Harold how to truly live, Harold falls in love with her. Their relationship, already limited in time by the sheer math, is curtailed even more as Maude shows him only not how to live well but die well.
1971, 91 minutes, USA, Directed by Hal Ashby, Rated PG
“A paean to outsiders and reckless love.”
– Michael Wilmington, CHICAGO TRIBUNE -
“It's to director Hal Ashby's credit that he succeeds in maintaining an unsettling tone of pre-Lynchian absurdism throughout, while also pulling the viewer into a touching love story between perhaps the most unlikely couple in cinema history.”
– Jane Graham, THE GUARDIAN -
“By turns funny, moving and outrageous - sometimes all at once - the film is Hal Ashby's masterpiece.”
“A philosophical black comedy for grandparents and grandchildren, or what Walt Disney and Lucille Ball might have thought up if they'd taken courses in the Absurd at UCLA.”
– Robert Mazzocco, THE NEW YORK REVIEW