During the late 70 s Richard Elfman and his younger brother Danny got together with fellow musician friends and formed a theater group known as The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo . They performed inventive and bizarre avant-garde stage shows, written by Danny and featuring twisted versions of Cab Callaway music and original compositions (also written by Danny). Richard wanted to capture the energy of the stage shows on film, and the end result is Forbidden Zone, released in 1980 and featuring Danny s music with the Mystic Knights, and one of the most twisted stories you’ll ever see in a motion picture. It involves the kooky Hercules family, who live in a house that has a basement, which leads into the mysterious Sixth Dimension. What follows features nearly constant musical numbers, a dwarf king (Hervé “DA PLANE!” Villechaize), a giant frog butler, the freaky introvert Chicken Boy , and a crooning Danny Elfman as the devil himself. Take The Rocky Horror Picture Show as imagined by David Lynch and John Waters, while smoking LSD and listening to an Oingo Boingo record. Shake well. Forbidden Zone is the flashy trashy freaky result.
USA, 1980, 74 minutes, Rated R, Directed by Richard Elfman
“The Citizen Kane of underground movies.”
– Film Threat -
“It’s hip, campy, kinky, loud and crass.”
– L.A. Times -
“If awards were given for sheer insane spectacle, this avant-garde 1980 cult flick would certainly qualify as among the most gold-bedecked movies of the past quarter century.”
– Entertainment Today -
“An absolute onslaught of offensive juvenility,”
– Letterboxd