2001: A Space Odyssey – 35mm Member Exclusive Screening - Enzian Theater

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2001: A Space Odyssey – 35mm Member Exclusive Screening

2001: A Space Odyssey – 35mm Member Exclusive Screening

  • 11:00 AM, 9/15Sun, 9-15, 11:00 AM
  • Special Programs
    Member Appreciation Month

    2001: A Space Odyssey – 35mm Member Exclusive Screening

    A Member Appreciation Month Exclusive Screening!

    Free screening for Enzian Members Only | Must have ticket to attend | 35mm Print

    ***Ticket reservations for this event will be available starting September 1 to Enzian Film Society Members only.***

    An imposing black monolith provides a connection between our prehistoric past and the future in Stanley Kubrick’s Oscar®-winning adaptation of the enigmatic short story by revered sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke. When Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) and other astronauts are sent on a mysterious mission, their ship’s computer system, HAL, begins to display increasingly strange behavior, leading up to a tense showdown between man and machine that results in a mind-bending trek through space and time.

    You must be an active member to attend this screening. Not a member? CLICK HERE to sign up!

    Limited to two tickets per membership. You must be an active member to attend this screening. There will be no table reservations for this event.

    1968, 149 Minutes, United Kingdom/United States, Directed Stanley Kubrick, Rated G

    • “[2001] is one of the most radical movies ever made.”

      – Christopher Nolan, DIRECTOR (Inception, Interstellar)
    • “Stanley Kubrick made the ultimate science fiction movie. It is going to be very hard for someone to come along and make a better movie.”

      – George Lucas, DIRECTOR (Star Wars)
    • “Ahead of its time in 1968. Ahead of its time in 2001. We’re still reaching to make movies as good as this even now.”

      – Edgar Wright, DIRECTOR (Last Night in Soho)
    • “It’s beyond a movie — it’s a spiritual experience.”

      – Leonardo DiCaprio, ACTOR (Titanic)
    • “To this day, ‘2001’ remains the all-time great science-fiction film.”

      – James Cameron, DIRECTOR (Avatar)
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