4 events found.
All Day
Hundreds of Beavers
A slapstick epic about a frostbitten battle between JEAN KAYAK and DIABOLICAL BEAVERS--hundreds of them--who stand between him and survival.
The Films of the Gay Girls Riding Club
The Films of the Gay Girls Riding Club Spearheaded by filmmaker Ray Harrison, the Gay Girls Riding Club (GGRC) took California’s 1960s underground gay scene by storm with drag spoofs of classic Hollywood films. These pioneering DIY takes on films … Continued
Man Ray: Return To Reason
4K Restoration! The four films Man Ray directed between 1923 and 1929, LE RETOUR À LA RAISON, EMAK-BAKIA, L’ÉTOILE DE MER and LES MYSTÈRES DU CHÂTEAU DU DÉ represent a high watermark of early European avant-garde cinema, a seminal nexus … Continued