Freaky Fridays
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
“You’ll never get away with this, you Martian!”
The children of Mars are depressed, and no one seems to know why. When Martian leaders go to see their most ancient wise man, he tells them that the children of Mars need the joy of Christmas… and Santa Claus! When Martians invade Earth to find this mysterious Kris Kringle, they are confused when they discover a Santa on every street corner. So, the Martians kidnap two earth kids to help them find the real Santa.
1964, 81 Minutes, Directed by Nicholas Webster, Not Rated
“The plot, such as it is, proves it is possible to insult the intelligence of a three-year-old.”
– Nick Cramp, BBC.COM -
“For those with a taste for bad movies, especially unintentionally hilarious ones that take themselves completely seriously, you can't do much better than this.”
– Mattie Lucas, FROM THE FRONT ROW -
"Like Plan 9 From Outer Space, nobody will mistake this for classic filmmaking, but for aficionados of cinema-terrible, it’s the Rosetta Stone for that specific breed of bad movie, the Christmas-Kiddie-Film Cash-In."
“Perfect and makes your brain grow 3 sizes”
- Mario Escoto, LETTERBOXD